Maker Pro
Maker Pro

help with IR2110 chips


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
All magnetic fields are created by electrical charge meaning even a static magnetic field a in a permanent magnet . The charges are moving because the electrons are orbiting the nuclei .
Not being funny but then why can't you draw a current off of a magnet that is not moving in comparrison to a coil or vice versa surley the action of moving the penny towards the magnet is which induces the eddies when the penny is not moving then no eddies are set up in the penny, it's the MOVING that creates eddies! and the pennies ar stuck to the magnet and therfoe are not moving in comparison to the magnets
more accurate description would be discreet energy levels within an atomic system, putting a penny close to a permanent magnet creates the system and because the penny contains copper which is highly conductive it allows the formation of Eddy Currents which is the wave like nature of subatomic particle


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
for example if you put a magnet in a copper tube without it moving the copper would heat up I got to be strait on this one I think that you are wrong! also if you're not moving the magnet in comparison to the coils the you can alter the magneting field by use of electromagnets so what I'm saying is it's the CHANGE in magnetic flux in the field that induces currents and eddies currents which are still just currents, no moving magnetic field, no current of any sort! what it boils down to is the very simple and basic right hand rule, which I think you have clearly over-looked Mr Delta Prime, the force of moving an inductor through the magnetic field creates currents! or moving the magnet past an inductor induces current flow! It's about CHANGE in position with respect to the magnetic source and the inductor in use!!
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Jul 7, 2015
Jul 7, 2015
If you draw current from your coil, that will produce a changing magnetic flux through the coil. Since the penny would experience that flux change there would be eddy currents in it (albeit perhaps not significant in the grand scheme of things).


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
But drawing current does not make the flux change in the magnet and by extension, the coin. The current is a reaction to the change in flux, by the moving magnet. The flux coming from the magnet stays the same weather you draw a large or small amout of current, the change in flux induces a current in the coil which in turn generates eddies in the coil but the coin stuck to the magnet would experience no change in magnetic flux because they're stuck to the magnet! surely and the effect the coil has on the magnet would be exactly the same weather or not the penny was there! and thats because the penny would be an extension of the magnet and thats all putting the penny in would do, and in any case the magnet its self is made of ferromagnetic material by nature of how magnets are made, so then you should say that there are eddies present in the magnets when they are generating power and I think thats whats refered to as lenz, what are your thoughts on that?
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Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
this fact is what I'm basing my theory on and I thought thats how it worked before I found evidence that I wasn't too far off in my idea
That is not a fact and your theory sucks.
Modern English pennies are copper plated steel. That is a fact and one that you have chosen not to incorporate in your theory that sucks.
Electrons are moving so you need not physically move anything Eddy currents are formed in the non-ferrous highly conductive material the copper plating surrounding the steel.
you are picking and choosing information
That conforms to your thought process
The quote below was incorrect my observation was wrong.
You are not listening.
I admit it.
You have selective hearing!
Dirac equations is particularly useful in describing the behavior of electrons in the presence of electromagnetic fields including magnetic fields and highly conductive non-ferrous materials within magnetic fields.

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Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
I don't mind being wrong when I'm learning. Not saying I'm right all of the time if you don't have be so rude can't you correct me where i'm wrong and appretiiate that i'm learning, at least I am asking questions I'm only posing questions and asking about what you think about my thought proccess, you don't have to be so "err you suck blah blah blah" and back to the question why then if the can't you draw a current off of a coil if it's not in conjunction with some component of the system moving physically ie the magnetic flux field in relation to that of the coil, I'm trying to figure this out don't be an spoil sport about it!
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Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
That is not a fact and your theory sucks.
Modern English pennies are copper plated steel. That is a fact and one that you have chosen not to incorporate in your theory that sucks.
Electrons are moving so you need not physically move anything Eddy currents are formed in the non-ferrous highly conductive material the copper plating surrounding the steel.

The quote below was incorrect my observation was wrong.

I admit it.
You have selective hearing!
Dirac equations is particularly useful in describing the behavior of electrons in the presence of electromagnetic fields including magnetic fields and highly conductive non-ferrous materials within magnetic fields.

anyway you are plain wrong to induce a current you need to either create a moving magnetic field by electromagnet or move a permanent magnt in relation the coil either way for a current to form you need moving magnetic flux field, otherwise you could draw a current off of the magnet in situ next to a coil this does not happen and if you don't have anything constructive to say do say anything at all!


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
same with a transformer you have to put an alternating current to change the flux with a frequency you don't listen yourself. you think you know it all!


Jul 7, 2015
Jul 7, 2015
But drawing current does not make the flux change in the magnet and by extension, the coin.
I think it does. If the coin is between the magnet and the coil surely it will experience the vector sum of the coil-generated field and the magnet's field? That sum is changing because the coil-generated field is changing. The change in the sum won't be much though, if the magnet's field is a lot stronger than the coil's field. Also, the coil's field presumably extends into the magnet, rather than stopping abruptly at the magnet face, so would affect the magnet's net internal field slightly.
to induce a current you need to either create a moving magnetic field by electromagnet or move a permanent magnt in relation the coil
It's also possible by varying the strength of the magnetic field with no movement involved.
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Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
but this still implies that you need a moving magnetic field to induce the current make the current
It's also possible by varying the strength of the magnetic field with no movement involved.
and I would do this by electromagnetism, varying a current through a coil
I think it does. If the coin is between the magnet and the coil surely it will experience the vector sum of the coil-generated field and the magnet's field? That sum is changing because the coil-generated field is changing. The change in the sum won't be much though, if the magnet's field is a lot stronger than the coil's field. Also, the coil's field presumably extends into the magnet, rather than stopping abruptly at the magnet face, so would affect the magnet's net internal field slightly.
did you read my post about the magnets themselves
in any case the magnet its self is made of ferromagnetic material by nature of how magnets are made, so then you should say that there are eddies present in the magnets when they are generating power
would this be correct thinking?? I think the eddies must be present in both the coin and the magnets if the field of the coils affects the coin it must affect the magnets too?


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
And don't take this as arguing I'm simply trying to further my knowledge, thanks


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
So the man from the rubber company was going to charge me £75 excluding VAT or postage for a 40mm thick, 300mm outer diameter, 10mm inner diameter, but he only had 30mm thick and so he says that I can have it for free, he said he was going to get told off by his boss but said don't worry about that. Really kind man!! chuffed!

Delta Prime

Jul 29, 2020
Jul 29, 2020
I can only speak four languages fluently; what does chuffed mean in English?


Jul 12, 2023
Jul 12, 2023
Hello, I've got a new flywheel and 20 magnets per side 2.5cm in diameter, what radius should I put them at so they fit snug? it's a simple equation but just forgotten it!

Harald Kapp

Nov 17, 2011
Nov 17, 2011
20 magnet × 2.5 cm = 50 cm circumference where the midpoints of the magnets meet (approx.). Do the math to get the radius for 50 cm. circumference.