Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What is with these kids today?


Dec 2, 2011
Dec 2, 2011
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like a lot of kids post on the internet today with an attitude and literally demand that someone answer their questions or do their freaking homework!

I know, some are from foreign countries, and they don't know all the nuances of the english language.

But they also don't seem to know about common courtesy either!

Are the words PLEASE, and THANK YOU just in the English language?

Sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to get this off my chest.

I have been looking at this site for a while, I really like to help the young kids get started in this hobby.

Call me an Old Fogey...because I am...but these kids seem so lazy, and expect everyting to be given to them because they are on the internet, that I just don't respond to them.:(


Apr 4, 2010
Apr 4, 2010
Yep, I see it happen a lot and when it does happen I look the other way. I know I am not always that helpful, but it is irritating when someone demands answers. Some people just don't get it.


Jan 9, 2011
Jan 9, 2011
I am also an old fogey, what annoys me is that when advice is given it is disregarded.

Also, it can be difficult to know whether the poster is working in a foreign language or whether they cannot be bothered to explain clearly. Cool init right?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Jan 21, 2010
Jan 21, 2010
I don't really care much about please, I appreciate (but don't expect) thank-you's

I'm disappointed by people who don't get an answer to an obscure question and then want to blame someone.

I am mildly annoyed by people who are demanding.

I am dismayed by people who would get the answer to their question if they type their subject line into Google.

But what I really can't handle... People who need the same question answered over and over and over again. Fine, if they can't understand, or I can't explain clearly. But if they simply give every indication of ignoring what has been said...

poor mystic

Apr 8, 2011
Apr 8, 2011
Yes Steve, I have seen recent examples ...
I was surprised that people clearly in need of advice (and demanding advice) would ignore that advice once they got it. Possibly they are waiting to be told they were right in the first place.


Apr 4, 2010
Apr 4, 2010
I will tell you another thing that bothers me to. Having to ask someone to explain their first post. Utter bullshit. I think it should be a strict policy to delete such rubbish. Though that will never happen, as I can understand why. But you talk about irritating...


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Jan 21, 2010
Jan 21, 2010
I will tell you another thing that bothers me to..

We get non-English speakers, and however bad their English is, it's better than my Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, ... (you get the idea)

But txt spkrs. they make my teeth gr8.


Feb 20, 2012
Feb 20, 2012
Are the words PLEASE, and THANK YOU just in the English language?
What? Are you speaking English? But seriously, I am a kid but I hardly ever start threads, and If I do, it's usually not asking for help. That's what google, wikipedia, and youtube are for. Some things do need to be asked, simply because the information on the internet might be contradictory, too complex, or simply not there. If someone asks for help nicely, I'll usually try to help, or at least give suggestions if I don't know a lot about the subject. If someone demands for help or doesn't give the slightest amount of information("Help me now guizzze!!one!!!1! WILL ONE OF U GUIZE TEACH ME ELECTRONICS??!?! HELP ME!"), I won't help, even if I know the answer to the question they're asking. If I open or hold the door for someone at school, I'll get a "thank you" from about a 1/5th of the people.

Raven Luni

Oct 15, 2011
Oct 15, 2011
Since you mention it, it occurs to me that I might owe a few thankyous here and there so a big THANKYOU to anyone who answered questions of mine and didnt get one :p

I reserve the right to be picky about answers though - I have this annoying need to completely understand something rather than take someones word for it :p


Dec 2, 2011
Dec 2, 2011
Since you mention it, it occurs to me that I might owe a few thankyous here and there so a big THANKYOU to anyone who answered questions of mine and didnt get one :p

I reserve the right to be picky about answers though - I have this annoying need to completely understand something rather than take someones word for it :p

And I apologize for calling you a "raving luni".....oh...wait:rolleyes:


Feb 26, 2011
Feb 26, 2011
having 2 teenagers myself and working at a shopping centre right next to a school I can without a doubt point out something that I have found to be true in EVERY case. when kids goto school or hang out in groups they all adpt the bad habits, my nephew is perfect example, great kid, never swore(though i tried for years to get him too... but I am evil like that), always well mannered, cleaned up did everything, he was an angel..... first day of school he came home and demanded food..... I was horrified. my two kids also pick up bad habits from school and adopt them, I mean for my sake CLOSE YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU EAT.
Pleases and thank you's are a basis to politeness. in fact when I talk to kids I introduce myself by name, and ask them theirs, treating them as adults, I have had some good rsults with it, but things like "please", "thank you" and "here 94 year old lady with bad hip standing on the bus have my seat" are becoming something of yester year and it is worrying


Mar 2, 2012
Mar 2, 2012
I am sorry, but i have to take position for the kids. its not the fault of the kids, its the fault of their parents and our society. i am really sure, that if you, who do you think that kids are lazy these days, would act like them if you would be born in this age. just think about it.


Apr 6, 2012
Apr 6, 2012
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like a lot of kids post on the internet today with an attitude and literally demand that someone answer their questions or do their freaking homework!

I know, some are from foreign countries, and they don't know all the nuances of the english language.

But they also don't seem to know about common courtesy either!

Are the words PLEASE, and THANK YOU just in the English language?

Sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to get this off my chest.

I have been looking at this site for a while, I really like to help the young kids get started in this hobby.

Call me an Old Fogey...because I am...but these kids seem so lazy, and expect everyting to be given to them because they are on the internet, that I just don't respond to them.:(
Good manners have sadly gone by the wayside. They just aren't taught anymore!

Harald Kapp

Nov 17, 2011
Nov 17, 2011
I've been here for less than a year but I think the tendency has been described all to well. Some posts make it hard to find the nerve to deal with the post at all - specially it the attitude is very demanding.
So much more it makes me kind of happy when someone gives feedback on proposed solutions, and that happens, too.

Maybe we should wait until the exam season is over. Probably some of the "kids" are a bit stressed?



Feb 9, 2012
Feb 9, 2012
I am sorry, but i have to take position for the kids. its not the fault of the kids, its the fault of their parents and our society. i am really sure, that if you, who do you think that kids are lazy these days, would act like them if you would be born in this age. just think about it.

While I agree that there is a lot of fault in this generation of parents and this society I would have to disagree that it not the kids fault at all

I am 23 and had all the opportunity to be like most of the other kids in my age group in my area but I didn't agree with it all, I was just sensible enough to know that it was stupid to act that way.

I didn't have to get a job at 14, but I wanted one, I didn't have to go to an accelerated program to finish college in 3 years, I didn't have to volunteer, and help people out when I could but I did/do

it is a matter of upbringing AND common sense, a lot of people just lack that these days

I personally try to google the things that I want/need to know as much as I can before posting about it on here, and I try to be as respectful as I can to everyone's response.


Jan 15, 2010
Jan 15, 2010
It's not just happening here of course. Those kids are getting jobs in places that supply
us with the electronic components we need. It used to be I contacted a manufacturer or
a vendor, and I'd get a reply. With the kids running the keyboards now, instead of answering
the phone or a letter. Just like their cell-phones or ipads, a lot of my inquiries just
get ignored. Do you think they care if their business suffers for it or not?


Aug 13, 2011
Aug 13, 2011
I'm very good at ignoring requests for help that have elusive titles, bad or incomplete problem statements, txt spk or smell like homework.

I have been collecting all their "thanks in advance" without helping. :D

My favorites are the ones that start all humble like "I'm a noob and know nothing about electronics..." then within a few posts are vehemently arguing a defense of some erroneous notion or other.

Warning to homework cheats: your teacher uses plagiarism checking software that searches the internet better than you do and it sees this forum. :eek: