Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Immediate hire-new job


Jun 8, 2013
Jun 8, 2013
Looking for a job in a technology field: (Non-degree, no online apps). Ideal would be to talk to an owner or person in a small to mid size company who is able to make quick discussion on hiring immediately. Would love to work under an engineer or department supervisor.

Some ideas for a position / departments of interest: R&D, QA/QC, product assembly, product testing, trouble shooting/repair, manufacturing / industrial process technician, laboratory technician, field technician, testing electronics metallurgy, ceramics, etc.

This is for the greater Los Angeles Area of Southern California. Please tell me where and to whom to e-mail a resume. Thank you.
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Sep 5, 2009
Sep 5, 2009
Looking for a job in a technology field: (Non-degree, no online apps). Ideal would be to talk to an owner or person in a small to mid size company who is able to make quick discussion on hiring immediately. Would love to work under an engineer or department supervisor.

Some ideas for a position / departments of interest: R&D, QA/QC, product assembly, product testing, trouble shooting/repair, manufacturing / industrial process technician, laboratory technician, field technician, testing electronics metallurgy, ceramics, etc.

Please tell me where and to whom to e-mail a resume.

not the sort of thing this forum can help you with
apart from not knowing what part of the world you live in. You are more likely to find what you want in newspaper or online career advertising sections
