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Transportation regulations on battery containing equipment



Jan 1, 1970
X-No-Archive: Yes

American Power Conversion's UPS's are shipped with one of the battery
leads disconnected claiming it's for compliance w/ Department of
Transportation regulations. I however find this hard to believe.
Most other battery powered equipment isn't designed with a battery
disconnect for transportation including other brand UPS's, portable
car starting box, iPods, some cordless phones, rechargeable flash
light and etc.

Seeing that most electronics/electrical items with battery isn't
designed with battery disconnect for transportation, I'm wondering if
their DOT regulation claim is true.

Are they presenting DOT advisory as "required regulations" to prevent
battery capacity from being depleted in storage(lead acid battery
suffers permanent damage if stored in less than fully charged state)
to minimize warranty battery replacement without saying "in order to
reduce warranty claims" ?

John Fields

Jan 1, 1970
X-No-Archive: Yes

American Power Conversion's UPS's are shipped with one of the battery
leads disconnected claiming it's for compliance w/ Department of
Transportation regulations. I however find this hard to believe.

Then check with the DOT to find out if it's true instead of getting
your panties in a bunch and kvetching about it here.
Most other battery powered equipment isn't designed with a battery
disconnect for transportation including other brand UPS's, portable
car starting box, iPods, some cordless phones, rechargeable flash
light and etc.

Does that make it a _bad_ practice?

I don't think so. As a matter of fact, why should anything in transit
be shipped with a battery connected unless it's supposed to be
recording or transmitting what happened to it or what it hears during
Seeing that most electronics/electrical items with battery isn't
designed with battery disconnect for transportation, I'm wondering if
their DOT regulation claim is true.

Again, idiot, if you want to find out, check with the DOT.
Are they presenting DOT advisory as "required regulations" to prevent
battery capacity from being depleted in storage(lead acid battery
suffers permanent damage if stored in less than fully charged state)

If they are, and the disconnect means that the load on the battery
will be minimized during transport, when it doesn't matter whether the
UPS is awake or not, then that means that the end user will wind up
with a less badly beat up battery. That sounds like a good thing to
to minimize warranty battery replacement without saying "in order to
reduce warranty claims" ?

Why should they word their documentation to conform to _your_
requirements? If you don't like the way they present themselves or
their corporate philosophy rankles you, then just don't buy their
shit. Or write to them to explain to them where they went wrong. Or
show them how smart you are and how stupid they are by designing and
building and advertising your own UPS's and then, if you start getting
customers, prove to them how much smarter you are than they were by
leaving the battery connected when you ship your shit.

You fucking idiots are everywhere, aren't you?

The sad part is that you don't even know how fucking stupid you are
and that you think that just because you know how to type and bitch
that your opinions matter.

They don't, and the time required to let you know that is time which
would be better spent on any endeavor other than putting you lot in
your place. But, it needs to be done in order to keep you from going
too far, so that's the price the human race has to pay for the time
and resources wasted to keep you apprised of your stupidity.

Can you repay the debt?


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