Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Vector Maxx Inverter


Douglas Gaulin

Jan 1, 1970
I have a small solar package currently being used to run a 12 volt
Flowlight water pump and one circuit of 12 volt lights at my summer
cabin. My setup includes one 75 watt panel, c40 controller and four
trojan T-105 batteries. My question is the following: Can I safely
hook up one of those 800 watt Vector Maxx power inverter to the
battery bank and run an extension cord to power my tv and vcr for a
few hours per day? Down the road, I plan on hooking up a trace
inverter/charger permanently, but for now the kids want to watch some
tv. Is there anything I should be concerned about hooking up the Maxx
inverter? Any help would be appreciated.
