Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Logical Devices prompro-8x "CNF" socket pinouts?


Nov 4, 2016
Nov 4, 2016
Just acquired one of these, not realizing that it needed the little jumper-dongles in order to actually program an EPROM. (The host PC software was easy to come by and other functions seem to work.) If anyone knows what the configuration for a 27C512 jumper should look like, I'd appreciate it if you could post it. It came with one (jumpers on pins 1-16, 6-7 and 11-12) but the label is missing and I don't know what it's for.

This subject has been brought up here before (in 2004) and nobody had anything on it. Perhaps in the meantime someone has come across a schematic or a set of dongles.

At any rate, thanks for your trouble.