Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Where to buy 22SWG PTFE in UK?

Hi All,

I need to get hold of 12m of BLACK PTFE covered 22swg wire in the UK
but have had no luck with google/Maplin. Can anyone recommend a source
for this?

RS Components stock it - search their site for 526-8289. But only in full
reels. Think you'll need luck to find a company which will supply cut
lengths of an unusual cable.

*I can see your point, but I still think you're full of shit.

    Dave Plowman        [email protected]           London SW
                  To e-mail, change noise into sound.

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the quick reply - completely forgot about RS - used to use
them at school!

They have reels in 25m, but only at 26swg. From what I remember, this
would mean a lower resistance compared to the 22swg we already have,
but still small enough to let me use bullet connectors. Would I be
mistaken in thinking I can use the 26swg as an "extension cable" for
the 22swg?

Kind Regards,