Maker Pro
Maker Pro



While searching for USB IP resources on the net I came across USB PHY
cores in verilog.

1) Why is it neessary to seperate USB controller and PHY in two
different cores? It may be necessary for 3.0 due to higher speeds but
what is the need for 1.1 and 2.0?
2) If USB PHY is a mixed (Analog & Digital) solution how can it be
offered only in verilog as developer claims?
How can a mixed core (GDSII and HDL) be implemented in FPGA?
3) If I have the USB and USB PHY cores seperately how do I implement
in FPGA and use/test it?

See the description of USB 1.1 PHY core from .

Thanks in advance.

"USB 1.1 PhyUSB 1.1 Physical Interface core. This core provides all
functions essential to interface to the USB 1.1 bus. This includes
serial/parallel conversion, bit stuffing and unstuffing, NRZI encoding
and decoding and a DPLL. It comes with a industry standard UTMI
interface for easy portability

Sample Implementation Results
Technology Area Speed
Xilinx Spartan 2 xc2s50-6 111 LUTs (30%) > 50 MHz

Currently this IP Core is available in Verilog only."