Maker Pro
Maker Pro

To find a latching set


May 11, 2011
May 11, 2011
Imagine if you will, the situation where PCBs are to be concatenated in a plane. Each PCB has an 'incoming connection' at one end and an 'outgoing connection' at the other end. The plane alignment of the PCBs is maintained (eg DIN rail). A method is sought to ensure that firstly, tactile feedback is given to indicate the establishment of the connection(s) and secondly, to ensure that the connection is maintained.

Engagement/disengagement is conducted by hand gripping the sides of the PCB not containing the connectors.

The connectors considered for the application are the Phoenix/Dinkle style which do not have the retentive requirements.

poor mystic

Apr 8, 2011
Apr 8, 2011
Hi Workalot :)
so, just brainstorming here...
Maybe a magnetic track could almost complete a magnetic circuit, with the final airgap being a part of the pcb being installed.
When only that last tiny gap remains to be closed, a spring-loaded flux bridge could click into place. The click would be felt near the edge of the board, and the completed magnetic circuit would hold the pcb in place.