Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tesla Coil Kit - help needed


Mar 14, 2020
Mar 14, 2020
I need help to assemble my Tesla Coil kit.
Here are the parts I have:
Consern to help me because of your fear that I'll get hurt, please don't be. I have lots f experience with Kilovolts and other dangerous electric components! I've build several Jacob Ladders and when I do so, everything is at a slow safe manor! I use isolation transformers, Variac transformers and other safety precautions before attempting anything at all. You aren't being responsible for what I'll do and I can assure you, that this is why I haven't started this project, until I have complete and safe plans for this project. I would appreciate any help and even with some of the basics that I can get from anyone. If you know where can I get help, thats OK also, but so far I can't find help from anyone. I've contacted couple Tesla Coil people, who had almost exact copy of my parts, but no answer - most of them are older videos and it is possible that they no longer use youtube.... But please help me, I know my limits and that is why I'm openly asking for help.
Thank you all!


Nov 8, 2019
Nov 8, 2019

Do you have the decription of the kit?
Does the description contain a schematic?



Oct 5, 2014
Oct 5, 2014
I don't believe anyone here would be prepared to stick their neck out and provide information whereby you could assemble this thing, regardless of any assurity you may provide.

There is a good reason why details are not broadcast on the web.

12Kv @30mA is lethal stuff and your final words (assemble it and make it safe) in the video confirm your lack of knowledge in this respect, again regardless of how much you object.

I can only imagine the number of government laws you would be violating also.


Mar 14, 2020
Mar 14, 2020
I have a video of the items, including one sheet that uses diagram for the diodes/capacitors... but that is it. I don't have a complete diagram - that is what I need.
Here is the description:
Thank you very much!


May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015
I think that grey/silver doughnut thing goes on top of the long copper and blue thing.
I could be wrong, but all the small other thingies go at the bottom of the big copper and blue thing.
That might get you started.



Hop - AC8NS
Jun 21, 2012
Jun 21, 2012
Here is a web site you should visit for more information on DIY (Do It Yourself) Tesla coil construction. There is also a Tesla Coil Web Ring that links such sites together.

The components in your video are just part of what you need to construct a working Tesla coil, but they are the most important and frequently the most difficult to acquire parts. The neon sign transformer with its center-tapped, high-voltage, current-limiting secondary winding, in conjunction with a capacitor bank and arc gaps, is perhaps the most important component. It serves to charge the capacitors until the arc-gap "fires" and discharges them though the arc gaps into the primary coil.

During the discharge through the arc, high-frequency oscillations are created in the primary coil that are coupled inductively into the vertical coil, which is resonated also to these frequencies with a large toroid capacitance hat. The toroid also serves the function of "smoothing" the high-tension electrical field, thus enabling larger voltages to occur before the air around the toroid breaks down and "streamers" begin to form.

Many "modern" Tesla coils do not employ arcs to create the current in the primary winding, which is what the copper tubing is for. However, some "purists" will insist that a real arc, one that hisses loudly, is necessary for a "real" Tesla coil. Much has been written about how to build real arcs, including rotary (motor-driven) multiple arc electrodes. The primary of a Tesla coil is often "flat wound" in a spiral and placed, centered, near the bottom of the secondary. Tesla coils that do not employ arcs use other means to discharge the capacitor or capacitors that the high-voltage neon sign transformer charges. This can be problematical for the DIYer because arc current often exceeds several hundred amperes, while the arc gap must hold off several thousand volts before arcing. It is difficult to find either vacuum tubes or solid-state components that will operate under such conditions at affordable prices. However, if you are wllling to scale down your coil, at least initially, vacuum tubes that were formerly used in the fly-back circuits of color televisions can serve nicely to drive the primary winding.

It helps to have a strong mathematical background and a thorough grounding in electrical and electronics theory before embarking on Tesla coil adventures. Keep careful notes describing your successes and failures so you will (eventually) know what works and what is a waste of time and money. Of course, the layman will say any Tesla coil is a waste of time and money, because all it does is create arcs and sprarks. Some newbies will buy into the belief that "Tesla knew something" and all they have to do is re-discover it to become famous, feeelthy rich, or whatever their favorite fantasy happens to be. But if all you want to do is build Tesla coils because it is a fun thing to do... well, that's reason enough to do so. Electronics (and electricity) is supposed to be FUN!

Edit: BTW, the high-frequency currents created in the primary winding MUST be prevented from finding their way back into the mains wiring through the neon sign transformer. That is what the little silver box identified as a power line filter is for. It appears to be woefully too small to be effective for as "serious" a coil, as implied by your selection of primary coil and secondary coil components, as you are attempting to build.
Last edited:


Mar 14, 2020
Mar 14, 2020
I think that grey/silver doughnut thing goes on top of the long copper and blue thing.
I could be wrong, but all the small other thingies go at the bottom of the big copper and blue thing.
That might get you started.

Thank you very much Martin for the information you have provided!
Yes, I love to learn something new every day, despite my age and some medical issues, that hinders that process.... But I don't give up ever, I must finish this project, like other projects that I'm working on or try to improve what I've made.
Kids and adults get fascinated by sound and the visual effects and I use that to expose them to electronics and few other demos, like 3D printers, CNC and Laser Cutter.... That is how I was exposed to gentleman in Czechoslovakia in late 60's. I was just about 14-15 years old and I wanted to make my own portable transistor radio....
Mr Helebrant was a great guy and also had many HAM radios that he was on many hours every day. He had boxes of cards, about 3.5" x 5" documenting some of the connections he made, Including Florida and east coasts when he was able to make a connection. He just let me use his electronic lab and off he went to his Ham radio hobby.
Anyway, do you know what parts I should use to make my Tesla Coil ( TC in the future) ?
I do not know where to connect the filter: R, F I, FILTER, F 85066, 2 x 20 AMPS, 115-250 VAC, 48.440 HZ; Made by: Hopkins Eng.CO, (and it has a number: 8726 on the front label. On the bottom side is a label LINE and at the top is LOAD - I assume that they are input and output. The LINE/Input has 3 connections, the top 2 are isolated and the bottom, in the middle is a uninsulated (I assume it is the GROUND ). The top, LOAD, has just 2 isolated connectors. I assume this will be between the Neon Sign and the 110V main power, to isolate it from the house circuit, to protect my electronics ....
Here is what I assume is on the inside:
After some looking on the Internet, I found almost the same filter by Hopkins, but only 2 x 10 AMPS, my is 2 x 20 AMPS.
My next question is about schematics, is it possible you can draw me some examples (since you mentioned starting smaller), what do you suggest? I would like to make TC as it was intended, but I'm open to other ideas aslo, since I'm learning something I have not done on this scale.
Also, the 2 gaps on the schematics I have called: "Terry'a NTS Protection Filter 15KV and up to 240mA", they call them SAFETY GAP 1 and 2, should I make them adjustable using screws or should I make a motorized version? If I make it motorized, they will not be in sync with each other - would this upset the resonance? I can make the motorized gap adjustable, so I can dial in exact speed and the gap itself also adjustable...that would also help me to learn that prospect - I assume. (The kit was by: Rainy Lake Electronics from eBay called TeslaStuff) but they don't answer the phone and I have no way to speak to them.
Thank you very much for your help and we can even speak using Skype or Google's Meetings - I'm there under [email protected] and same on Skype. I live in Lincoln, Nebraska. It is also my direct email I use daily.


Mar 14, 2020
Mar 14, 2020

A youtube will not qualify as documentation.

There seem to be a description on

I hate the site, as you can not download the documents without registering.

The following site has some other designs:

Sorry that I didn't typed here the parts, but I made a video where all that info is at. I thought that the video is better because I was able to explain more than just a "parts list".
Thank you very much for your help.


Mar 14, 2020
Mar 14, 2020

A youtube will not qualify as documentation.

There seem to be a description on

I hate the site, as you can not download the documents without registering.

The following site has some other designs:

I was able to upload few files and I was able to download the manual from your suggestion for free.
If you like the manual, I have it and you can let me know where to upload it - the limit here is very small, since 3.5Mb was too big....
Or email me direct to: [email protected] so you don't share your email adress with everyone.
Thanks and have a great day!
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Mar 14, 2020
Mar 14, 2020
Here is a web site you should visit for more information on DIY (Do It Yourself) Tesla coil construction. There is also a Tesla Coil Web Ring that links such sites together.

The components in your video are just part of what you need to construct a working Tesla coil, but they are the most important and frequently the most difficult to acquire parts. The neon sign transformer with its center-tapped, high-voltage, current-limiting secondary winding, in conjunction with a capacitor bank and arc gaps, is perhaps the most important component. It serves to charge the capacitors until the arc-gap "fires" and discharges them though the arc gaps into the primary coil.

During the discharge through the arc, high-frequency oscillations are created in the primary coil that are coupled inductively into the vertical coil, which is resonated also to these frequencies with a large toroid capacitance hat. The toroid also serves the function of "smoothing" the high-tension electrical field, thus enabling larger voltages to occur before the air around the toroid breaks down and "streamers" begin to form.

Many "modern" Tesla coils do not employ arcs to create the current in the primary winding, which is what the copper tubing is for. However, some "purists" will insist that a real arc, one that hisses loudly, is necessary for a "real" Tesla coil. Much has been written about how to build real arcs, including rotary (motor-driven) multiple arc electrodes. The primary of a Tesla coil is often "flat wound" in a spiral and placed, centered, near the bottom of the secondary. Tesla coils that do not employ arcs use other means to discharge the capacitor or capacitors that the high-voltage neon sign transformer charges. This can be problematical for the DIYer because arc current often exceeds several hundred amperes, while the arc gap must hold off several thousand volts before arcing. It is difficult to find either vacuum tubes or solid-state components that will operate under such conditions at affordable prices. However, if you are wllling to scale down your coil, at least initially, vacuum tubes that were formerly used in the fly-back circuits of color televisions can serve nicely to drive the primary winding.

It helps to have a strong mathematical background and a thorough grounding in electrical and electronics theory before embarking on Tesla coil adventures. Keep careful notes describing your successes and failures so you will (eventually) know what works and what is a waste of time and money. Of course, the layman will say any Tesla coil is a waste of time and money, because all it does is create arcs and sprarks. Some newbies will buy into the belief that "Tesla knew something" and all they have to do is re-discover it to become famous, feeelthy rich, or whatever their favorite fantasy happens to be. But if all you want to do is build Tesla coils because it is a fun thing to do... well, that's reason enough to do so. Electronics (and electricity) is supposed to be FUN!

Edit: BTW, the high-frequency currents created in the primary winding MUST be prevented from finding their way back into the mains wiring through the neon sign transformer. That is what the little silver box identified as a power line filter is for. It appears to be woefully too small to be effective for as "serious" a coil, as implied by your selection of primary coil and secondary coil components, as you are attempting to build.
I was able to download the manual from:
I had to upload couple files that they did not have and they let me download the manual fro free.
If you like the file, send me an email address, because the file is too large to upload here.
Do you know the size limit for files that can be uploaded to this website?
Or you can just email me at [email protected] if you don't like to have your email address here visible to others.
Have a great day Martin!


Mar 14, 2020
Mar 14, 2020

You can print the pages with the schematics to a PDF, using a PDF printer on your PC.
I do this frequently when extracting datasheets from old databooks.

An other source for a lot of information on tesla coils is this book:

Thank you very much!
I was able to download one of the manuals and instructions how to setup the Tesla Coil. I have it iuf you need it, let me know I can email it for you also.
Have a great weekend!