Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Stereo Scope received and assembled.



Jan 1, 1970
Well, I have gotten a chance to try out this 47 times
stereo scope on a home project to inspect a board in a
suspected area of a default..

This board has the 0102 size smt in various area's..

What I found was, it has more cracks in the joints and feed through
holes than most of the bridges recently inspected across the USA.

At least that is what it looks like to me.,. up on initial inspection
of this unit, there was a broken ground spring arm lying in that area. I
wonder if this some how caused some physical pressure to be exerted when
the cover was over that area thus causing these micro cracks?

D from BC

Jan 1, 1970
Well, I have gotten a chance to try out this 47 times
stereo scope on a home project to inspect a board in a
suspected area of a default..

This board has the 0102 size smt in various area's..

What I found was, it has more cracks in the joints and feed through
holes than most of the bridges recently inspected across the USA.

At least that is what it looks like to me.,. up on initial inspection
of this unit, there was a broken ground spring arm lying in that area. I
wonder if this some how caused some physical pressure to be exerted when
the cover was over that area thus causing these micro cracks?

I say run your bedsheet under that microscope.. See the dust mites
that crawl over you at night time! :p

Here's a really good picture

D from BC
British Columbia