Maker Pro
Maker Pro

"PICAXE Junior"!

Ron Hackett's recent "Nuts & Volts" Picaxe micro. articles have
certainly raised the profile of the UK sourced Picaxe microcontroller
family !

Local 12yo. kids on a "boring/nothing to do" Easter holiday
stimulated me to modify a dirt cheap "Electronic Brain Box" kitset I'd
pointed them to at Dick Smith Electronics ( =>
) so it'd instead suit initial Picaxe work. It's been highly
successful ( & cheap)- see pix & comments => &
=> My initial "hack" was by
hand ,
but streamlining onto a small PCB would be preferred.

The idea is to build initial confidence with a LEGO style technique
that they'll already be pretty familiar with, so they can then move on
to the more professional ( & full featured ) Rev. Ed soldered kits
etc. Learn to walk before you climb stuff.

This so called "Picaxe Junior" approach only offers 3 I/Os ( 1,2,4 ),
which will be plenty for initial teaser work I'd say. Of course even
the basic 08 could be used too- a great way to clean them out?
Feedback appreciated, especially regarding the likely
suitability for pre & early teens in schools with zilch budgets &
weak electronics teaching skills. Yes- handy for weary eyed seniors

More details =>