Maker Pro
Maker Pro

NIST closed

I talked to a forest service ranger yesterday here in the Tellico
mountains. They've been told the same thing that the park service guy
admitted to, that they've been told to make it as hard on people as

You talked with him *in person*? Coincidentally Rep. Neugebauer
has had an almost exactly the same experience, .

There seems to be a whole army of whistleblowing rangers,
in various parks, google "ranger" "make it hard",
25 million hits!

So we are being punished for something we did not do, other than

exercising our rights to vote.

Is that what it amounts to? It is ridiculous, childish, and worse.

I will vote for no incumbent in the next several elections.

You do understand the U.S. government is spending each ***month*** $30B more than it takes in. And you think shutdown is a bad thing, well, there's coming a time when the shutdown will be permanent if they don't get on the ball.
Some districts are laying of teachers, and not all districts are

Really? Some states have pretty loose union rules but I don't know
anywhere that there are no unions. There are Democrats even in red
Also, teachers ARE expected to show up for work.

Three days a year, I suppose.