Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Low noise Preamplifier


Feb 19, 2021
Feb 19, 2021
Hello all,
I have designed Low noise preamplifier ckt and PCB. I have got my boards and i am testing them but while testing I am getting huge noise waveform at input as well as output. one thing I have observed is when i am only giving pulse signal to board then there is no noisy waveform but when i am giving power along pulse signal then i am getting huge noisy waveform. what can be the possible reasons and how can i tackle them?
PFA copy of my Circuit and PCB.


  • Screenshot (20)_LI.jpg
    Screenshot (20)_LI.jpg
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    Screenshot (21).png
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Feb 19, 2021
Feb 19, 2021
Some questions / observations :

1) What does noise look like, eg. scope capture ?
2) Have you looked at spectrum of noise for clues ?
3) Your bypassing on OA power pins seems a little unusual, eg. has
the ceramic for HF noise but nothing (tantalum) for LF noise. And what
is purpose of 10 ohms in power leads of OA ?
4) Load Z you are driving ?
5) Source Z when testing ?
6) Possible ground loops when testing with driving source ?
7) What is input sensor ? Part number.....

When you use caps for bypassing not all caps perform equally (ESR)
for the same C value. In particular not all manufactuers for the same tech-
nology get the same results, so prudent to pay attention to datasheet as well.


Regards, Dana.
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