Maker Pro
Maker Pro

knight rider code


Sep 30, 2011
Sep 30, 2011
so I'm writing some code to have a set of LED's flash in sequence like the knight rider. I tried turning on and flashing only 2 LED's and that worked, but when I added another 6 to make 8 total nothing turns on. I checked my circuit and everything seems okay so I was wondering if it's my code:

; This file is a basic code template for object module code *
; generation on the PIC16F627A. This file contains the *
; basic code building blocks to build upon. As a project minimum *
; the 16F627A.lkr file will also be required for this file to *
; correctly build. The .lkr files are located in the MPLAB *
; directory. *
; *
; If interrupts are not used all code presented between the *
; code section "INT_VECTOR and code section "MAIN" can be removed. *
; In addition the variable assignments for 'w_temp' and *
; 'status_temp' can be removed. *
; *
; If interrupts are used, as in this template file, the 16F627A.lkr *
; file will need to be modified as follows: Remove the lines *
; and *
; and change the start address of the page0 section from 0x5 to 0x0 *
; *
; Refer to the MPASM User's Guide for additional information on *
; features of the assembler and linker (Document DS33014). *
; *
; Refer to the respective PIC data sheet for additional *
; information on the instruction set. *
; *
; *
; Filename: test.asm *
; Date: 7/20/2012 *
; File Version: 0.1 *
; *
; Author: David Hogendoorn *
; Company: student *
; *
; *
; *
; Files required: *
; 16F627A.lkr *
; *
; *
; *
; Notes: this program is being used as a base to test upon *
; *
; *
; *
; *

list p=16F627A ; list directive to define processor
#include <> ; processor specific variable definitions

errorlevel -302 ; suppress message 302 from list file


; '__CONFIG' directive is used to embed configuration word within .asm file.
; The lables following the directive are located in the respective .inc file.
; See data sheet for additional information on configuration word settings.

l1 EQU 0x00 ;RB0
l2 EQU 0x01 ;RB1
l3 EQU 0x02 ;RB2
l4 EQU 0x03 ;RB3
l5 EQU 0x04 ;RB4
l6 EQU 0x05 ;RB5
l7 EQU 0x06 ;RB6
l8 EQU 0x07 ;RB7

;***** VARIABLE DEFINITIONS (examples)
w_temp EQU 0x71 ;variable used for context saving
status_temp EQU 0x72 ;variable used for context saving
dc1 EQU 0x74
dc2 EQU 0x75
dc3 EQU 0x76


ORG 0x000 ;processor reset vector
goto MAIN ;go to beginning of program

ORG 0x004 ;interrupt vector location
movwf w_temp ;save off current W register contents
movf STATUS,w ;move status register into W register
movwf status_temp ;save off contents of STATUS register

;isr code can go here or be located as a call subroutine elsewhere

movf status_temp,w ;retrieve copy of STATUS register
movwf STATUS ;restore pre-isr W register contents

bcf STATUS,RP0 ;point at bank 0
movlw 0x07 ;turn comparators off
movwf CMCON
movlw 0x10 ;timer 1 uses int. clk and 2:1 prescale
movwf T1CON
bsf STATUS,RP0 ;now over to bank 1
clrf TRISA ;port A as outputs
clrf TRISB ;all of port B to outputs
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;back to I/O bank 0
clrf PORTB
clrf PORTA

clrf PORTB
bsf PORTB,l1
movlw .20
call delay10ms
clrf PORTB
bsf PORTB,l2
movlw .20
call delay10ms
clrf PORTB
bsf PORTB,l3
movlw .20
call delay10ms
clrf PORTB
bsf PORTB,l4
movlw .20
call delay10ms
clrf PORTB
bsf PORTB,l5
movlw .20
call delay10ms
clrf PORTB
bsf PORTB,l6
movlw .20
call delay10ms
clrf PORTB
bsf PORTB,l7

goto start

delay10ms ;this delay is a variable delay that is multiples of 10ms
movwf dc3
dly2 movlw .13
movwf dc2
clrf dc1
dly1 decfsz dc1,f
goto dly1
decfsz dc2,f
goto dly1
decfsz dc3,f
goto dly2



Sep 30, 2011
Sep 30, 2011
omg nevermind, just realized I had the Vdd in the ground bus (chalk one up to "There's nothing wrong with my circuit!")