Maker Pro
Maker Pro

JFET question



Jan 1, 1970
I have a common source n channel JFET circuit--

with R1/R2 bias divider R1 = 420K, R2 = 180K

RD = 2.7K
Rs = 2.7K
RL = 4K

cap Cs in || with Rs.

Vp = -4
early voltage = 125
Idss = 12mA

How can I find small signal voltage gain @ mid freq?

I try to compute gm-- but need Vgs to do so. Do I assume Vs = 0 since
Cs short @ mid freq and then use dc value of Vg (6V) to say Vgs = 6v?

I'm thinking there has to be additional info to figure this out...

Any clues appreciated...


Helmut Sennewald

Jan 1, 1970
Bo said:
I have a common source n channel JFET circuit--

with R1/R2 bias divider R1 = 420K, R2 = 180K

RD = 2.7K
Rs = 2.7K
RL = 4K

cap Cs in || with Rs.

Vp = -4
early voltage = 125
Idss = 12mA

How can I find small signal voltage gain @ mid freq?

I try to compute gm-- but need Vgs to do so. Do I assume Vs = 0 since Cs
short @ mid freq and then use dc value of Vg (6V) to say Vgs = 6v?

I'm thinking there has to be additional info to figure this out...

Any clues appreciated...


Hello Bo,

It's easy to calculate the gain.

G = gm*RD||RL||rd

Just forget the output resistance rd, because
it's much higher than RD||RL.

Calculate the DC-current Id.
Go to the datasheet and look for gm(Id).

G = gm*RD||RL

That's all


Jon Slaughter

Jan 1, 1970
Bo said:
I have a common source n channel JFET circuit--

with R1/R2 bias divider R1 = 420K, R2 = 180K

RD = 2.7K
Rs = 2.7K
RL = 4K

cap Cs in || with Rs.

Vp = -4
early voltage = 125
Idss = 12mA

How can I find small signal voltage gain @ mid freq?

I try to compute gm-- but need Vgs to do so. Do I assume Vs = 0 since Cs
short @ mid freq and then use dc value of Vg (6V) to say Vgs = 6v?

I'm thinking there has to be additional info to figure this out...

Any clues appreciated...


Did you try google?

and many more...


Jan 1, 1970
Thanks to all for your replies...

I finally found something via google that helped me. Ended up
calculating Vgs from a quadratic equation...

I could not look up in datasheet because P/N is unknown...

Thanks again,
