Maker Pro
Maker Pro

24 Channel multiplexer witrh Parallel port



Jan 1, 1970
ive found on web many project of datalogger controlled by parallel port
a A/D converter and a 16 multiplexer .
The limit see to be the only 4 bit of the parallel port that can
control a 16 channel only MUX(4067)

Somebody has some idea for having 24 channel read via Parallel port?

Tyhanks in avance.

Rich Grise

Jan 1, 1970
ive found on web many project of datalogger controlled by parallel port
a A/D converter and a 16 multiplexer .
The limit see to be the only 4 bit of the parallel port that can
control a 16 channel only MUX(4067)

Somebody has some idea for having 24 channel read via Parallel port?

Sure. Instead of trying to select a port by way of the command
bits, just use them to control an "address" and a "data" port. Do
two writes (well, four, actually) - toggle one of the control bits
to indicate "address," and strobe out a number from 00h-FFh. That's
256 ports. Having selected a port, toggle the control bit to "data",
and send the data. (or turn the port around and read the data, if it's
one o' them newfangled bidirectionsl parallel port thingies. ;-) )

Using the resultant 8 bits of "address" to actually address your 256
ports is, as usual, left as an exercise for the student. ;-D

Good Luck!