Maker Pro

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  1. Jay Gee

    Open collector problem

    Alas, 3.3v is not enough to reliably drive the data input - I tried. My same code works perfectly on a 5v arduino UNO. On my 3.3v arduino, the spec sheet says that you must never expose the i/o pins to more than 3.3v. Even though the pin is set as a output, would simply using a pull-up...
  2. Jay Gee

    Open collector problem

    Ah-ha! Many thanks!!!
  3. Jay Gee

    Open collector problem

    Thanks! My arduino output is 3.3v, so wouldn't I want a vgsth min below that and max above that? I looked at the 2n7000 that Minder suggested and that has vgsth min = 0.8 and max = 3. Jay
  4. Jay Gee

    Open collector problem

    Thanks for the info. I'm just getting started in electronics, so not very knowledgable yet. What would this circuit look like? (drawing or description?) Much appreciated, Jay
  5. Jay Gee

    Open collector problem

    Thanks. I'm about to demonstrate that I'm a bit of a noob, but I'm trying to learn, so ... I saw on page 2 Gate Threshold Voltage min = 2.5 and max = 4.5, so I thought that I was right in range at 3.3. As for timing, I saw the td(on)-tr and td(off)-tf on page 2, but noted that this was for a...
  6. Jay Gee

    Open collector problem

    Hi - I'm trying to use an open collector circuit for a 3.3v arduino output to pass a bitstream to a 5v addressable LED. My circuit diagram is attached. (I'm using two n-channel mosfets since using only one will invert my signal and my software library (Neopixel) doesn't include an invert...