Maker Pro

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  1. J

    Can someone please explain how step down. transformers work

    I understand the basic principles, but can someone give me a link to a website that spicificly shows how they work and would answer all questions regarding them?
  2. J

    transformer for welder

    from what i understand, many microwave transformers can be easily modified to be used as spot welders or arc welders. exactly what are the specs on a welder's current? an arc welder more spicifically. i took apart a microwave and have the transformer. i rewired the secondary with 8 turns of 10...
  3. J


    i dont understand the purpose of three phase rectifiers, also, i wanted to know if it was possible for me to use this diode to rectify standard household current of 120v or 240v to dc current with four of these? and also which side of the diode is the positive...