Maker Pro

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  1. Thedarkb123

    Sawtooth oscillator I found this saw wave generator and I'm wondering how I can work out the right component values? I intend to use it as the core of a Saw/Square/Triangle/Sine oscillator.
  2. Thedarkb123

    Heating a component in the interests of thermal stability.

    Most analogue synthesizers use control voltages that increase linearly with pitch, but humans perceive pitch logarithmically, this necessitates exponential converters, the biggest source of thermal instability in synthesizers. Has nobody thought to actually heat the exponential converter to...
  3. Thedarkb123

    Pitch to voltage conversion.

    I'm wondering if it would be possible to convert the audio out of a guitar to a volt/octave control voltage for an analog synthesizer. I was thinking that converting the audio to a square wave with an op amp and putting it through an RC filter would work and i'd like to know if this is the best...
  4. Thedarkb123

    Best low pass filter IC for a synthesizer?

    And on top of that, best high pass filter IC? I'm building a small synth.
  5. Thedarkb123

    Best op-amp/comparator for audio stuff.

    I'm looking to build a synth at the moment and I'm wondering what op-amp/comparator would be best for clipping waveforms into square waves.
  6. Thedarkb123

    Return of The Old Youtube Comment System

    On a few videos by FunnyFuse as well as one by Cinemassacre bob has triumphed. We may expect to see the full return of the old comment system in the near future!